August 18, 2011

Summer Fun

This is how I spent an entire day. I grabbed an inner tube

 and drifted round and round on the lazy river.

Took a short break to snack on a sandwich and then it was off to the wave pool.

I got a kick out of the lady in the corner of this picture. I think she spent the entire day right in that spot getting an awesome tan, and relaxing on her inner tube when the waves were not in action. Her swimsuit was adorable too! I chose to be a teeny bit more active and actually rode the waves in the deep part of the pool. I felt like a kid again :)

I did NOT go on this. The day was devoted to total relaxation and enjoying the sun. It felt like we were on vacation even though we were only about an hour from home! We went through an entire bottle of sunscreen. We arrived when the park opened and left when it closed. I slept like a log when I got home!


  1. refreshing! Sounds like a wonderful summer day.

  2. How fun to spend a day feeling like a kid!! I'm jealous!

  3. OH the lazy river sounds awesome! I love going on that at a waterpark. I do love trying some of the more adventurous rides long as they are not too, too extreme!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you so very much for your lovely comment about my little cathedral windows quilt.

  4. It looks like so much fun. The lady probably just enjoys watching people-I do!

  5. What a fun day you had! I haven't been to a water park in ages, and they are pretty few and far between here in Montana, but I just put big, huge, fun waterpark on my bucket list!

  6. I have been at one of those, done even a big one after pressure from my kids but I would never do it again. I would love to just be the one floating around in the river next time.


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